Coaching Philosophy

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Take a Healing Journey Back to Your True Self

Somewhere along the way, many of us lost touch with essential parts of ourselves. Perhaps it was our joy, our innocence or our spontaneity. Perhaps it was our serenity, our confidence, or our power. We may not know how or when it happened. We might not even know what we lost, or that we lost it at all. Over time, we learned to accept this fragmented self as our true self, and our authentic self got relegated to the shadows. Simply put, we lost our connection with our deepest essence.

As a result, we may struggle with chronic pain, stress, anxiety, or mysterious illnesses that elude diagnosis or treatment. We no longer enjoy life or our bodies, and deep down we know something is out of harmony, out of balance. Something deep within us needs to heal and become whole again.
We all have seemingly conflicting parts of ourselves - can we embrace them all within our whole, integrated and authentic self?

Is there a part of you that needs to be heard and welcomed back into the whole?

You Can Feel Whole Again

You are not broken - you are a whole human being. There's nothing extra you need to get rid of, nor anything missing you must find outside yourself. Everything you need to live a full and joyful life is already contained within you - it's simply about rediscovering and reintegrating the parts of yourself you may have lost, misunderstood or hidden away.

Everything you feel is real, and it's there for a reason. Perhaps it began as a way to protect you - an armoring pattern that helped you deal with difficult or traumatic experiences. We all have these old patterns in our bodies and beings - they were very useful in the past because they protected us, but now they are just restricting us physically and emotionally, holding us back, and locking us in pain.

We can transform these patterns into something that actually nourishes and supports our authentic selves - we don't need to stay stuck! This is the alchemy of healing -  releasing the old, painful patterns and harnessing the energy that is unleashed to support our highest good.

Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, 'Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous?' Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It's not just in some of us; it's in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.

                                                                                                                   ~Marianne Williamson

Do you want to enjoy your life as much as possible?

Healing Can Be Fun and Enjoyable (Really!)

To put it simply, we were meant to enjoy life. So let's start right now! The path of healing and transformation doesn't have to be heavy and difficult. You do not need to churn up and flounder in old pain or get stuck analyzing every piece of the puzzle.

Yes, healing and transformation require courage. But they also involve exploration and discovery, spontaneity and laughter, and all the good feelings you want to welcome and establish in your life. You don't have to wait until you "finish therapy" to feel this aliveness ... you can start right now!

I met Elena at a myofascial release seminar. I have found her to be an excellent therapist from our interactions there and since. 

Between her innate intelligence, excellent communication skills, prior experience helping clients with pain and trauma via her myofascial release background and her intuition, Elena has excelled as a somatic life coach like a fish being dropped into a flowing river. And being a professional dancer and boxing coach myself, I also believe that Elena's experience with partner dance and martial arts has honed her abilities.

As she facilitated for me, she made astute observations, asked pointed questions, and gave creative suggestions. Elena has planted seeds a number of times that have helped me access insights that I had not been able to gain on my own. Her coaching has had a very significant and positive impact on my life. I highly recommend her for MFR, somatic coaching, or any combination thereof.

             ~Chad Wright, age 49

Connecting to Your Deepest Essence

Whatever we may call it, deep down we know we are connected to something greater than ourselves. We are all microcosms of the universe - in fact, we are not just connected to it, we are completely inseparable from it. The energy flow of the universe flows directly through us - it is our birthright. It is a source of deep power, bliss and wisdom.

Giving ourselves permission to tap into this source and let it flow through us is incredibly healing and energizing. It breaks through our blockages and cleanses us, bringing us back into harmony with our world, ourselves and our true nature.

Our essence is the deepest, most authentic part of ourselves. It is that part of you that if you lost it, you would no longer be you. It is a source of immense creativity, joy and wisdom.

Fascia is the living web in our bodies that connects us to universal source energy as well as our own unique essence. It is a living, electrical system of communication inside our bodies which interfaces with our nervous, endocrine and immune systems. Energetically, it is our connection to our essence and consciousness. 

Everything is connected - and it feels amazing to be connected! Our bodies, essence, consciousness and entire being are all part the universal flow of life energy.

Working with the body as a completely whole and interconnected system can be incredibly profound and transformative. It is possible to release old traumas and bracing patterns that have been limiting our joy, freedom and creativity for a long time. And when we let them go, we make space in our bodies for love and vitality to take their place.

I recently spent time with Elena in a newer part of her practice, the Somatic Life Coach sessions.  This was completely different than anything else I have ever experienced, and while the concept was completely foreign to me, Elena has a way of presenting comfort with the process that allowed me to concentrate on what my own experience is.

This "body work" takes mindfulness of my own body to a completely new level.  I can now see exactly what is happening with me subconsciously at any given moment so I can make conscious decisions to feel, embrace and change where I am.

For me,
It takes practice.
It takes courage.
It takes patience.

And most of all, I'm worth every bit of the effort!

                   ~ J. Theriault, age 64

Elena with her mentor and teacher John F. Barnes

What is Whole Healing Coaching Based On?

The Whole Healing Coaching Method is based primarily on the techniques and principles of myofascial release as taught by John F. Barnes, PT, LMT, the body-centered therapy techniques of Kathlyn and Gay Hendricks, PhDs, and the Strozzi Institute's principles of Somatic Coaching and Transformation.

In addition, I have been influenced by many other practices, traditions and teachers over the years. In particular, I have devoted decades of my life to the study of subtle energy through the practices of martial arts, mindfulness mediation and even dancing tango. These practices have helped me develop my presence and awareness, teaching me the art of profound yet subtle connection to myself, others and the universal life source. It has brought me into harmony with a universal rhythm greater than myself and has helped me develop the love, confidence, courage and compassion to hold space for others do the same. 

I am also grateful to have learned from so many modern day pioneers in the fields of trauma, life coaching, consciousness and leadership. These scientists, healers and teachers continually help me refine my approach and guide me as I continue to grow and evolve as a coach and a human being.

  • Staci Haines' and Richard Strozzi-Heckler's work in somatic life coaching, transformation and trauma healing
  • Karla McLauren's work with emotions and the body
  • Dr. Carl Jung's work with archetypes, the collective unconscious and dreamwork
  • Dr. Peter Levine's work in the physiology and healing of trauma
  • Dr. Bessel van der Kolk's work in the physiology of trauma 
  • Dr. Stephen Porges' Polyvagal Theory
  • Linda Kohanov's work with the healing power of animal wisdom and non-predatory leadership 
  • Simon Sinek's work in self-awareness, innovation and empathic leadership

And perhaps my most powerful and profound teacher has simply been Mother Earth and the Universe itself

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Myofascial coaching is appropriate at any time of life, even times of deep healing and transition

My Role as a Coach

As a coach, I'm here to hold space for you, to be your witness and your mirror. I will walk alongside you as you discover your own path to wholeness. It's not about "fixing" or changing you - I am simply a guide and facilitator on your inner journey. This is about what works for YOU - it is a unique process of self-discovery, release and empowerment that is all your own. I'm here to help you rediscover your own wholeness and transition to the next phase of your body, soul and spirit evolution.

The healing process is all about the interconnection of the body, mind, essence and spirit. Together, we work with the sensations in your body to release the layers of armoring that have built up over the years, making space within for your authentic self to surface and your vitality to flow once again.

What Whole Healing Coaching is NOT...

Whole Healing Coaching is not physical therapy or a collection of prescribed exercises. 

Myofascial coaching teaches you the principles of myofascial release you can use at home to help manage pain and tension and let your essence flow. Myofascial coaching shows you how to feel into your body and deepen your own exercise, stretching or spiritual practice to make it more enjoyable and transformative. 
Whole Healing Coaching is not psychotherapy or a replacement for mental health counseling. 

 If you require mental health counseling or have a chronic or acute mental health disorder, Whole Healing Coaching can be used in addition to mental health counseling to help you with pain, tension and emotional issues. In this way it can be very helpful and effective, but Whole Healing Coaching does not diagnose or treat any mental illness. 

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