Myofascial Release FAQs

therapeutic massage myofascial tampa

Myofascial Release Frequently Asked Questions

How many sessions will I need, and how often?

Everyone is different and there is no simple answer to this question. Some people feel a profound difference after just one session. Others need multiple sessions to achieve the results they seek. 

Frequency of sessions also varies from person to person. In the beginning, most people start with a session every 1-2 weeks and then reduce the frequency as they progress.

Generally speaking, if you feel no positive results after 5-6 sessions, we would re-evaluate if myofascial release is a good treatment choice for you at this time.

Do you accept insurance?

We do not participate as an in-network provider for any insurance company. However, you may request a medical invoice to submit to your insurance company, FSA or HSA for reimbursement. Please check with your individual policy to verify that your plan reimburses for myofascial release.

Does it hurt?

Myofascial release is NOT a "no pain, no gain" type of approach. We never push or force past the limits your body is setting at any particular time. Forcing the tissue only serves to activate the body's guarding mechanism - this is the opposite of the experience of release and is counterproductive. You are encouraged to actively participate in your session and can ask for less or more pressure at any time. At all times, we are seeking to engage with the body in a way that feels "just right."

Do your work with children?

Yes. Elena is trained in pediatric myofascial release and work with children of all ages. Her approach is very light, gentle, patient and creative to engage children in the process. However, it is essential that a child is interested in and willing to participate in myofascial release therapy. When parents try to force their children to receive myofascial release, the result is not beneficial.

What should I wear, and how do I prepare my body for the session?

You will not be covered with a sheet during the session unless you get cold, so some clothing is required. You want to wear something loose, elastic and comfortable - elastic waist gym shorts, bra and underwear, a loose tank top, or a two piece bathing suit are all fine. If you like, you can bring your treatment clothes with you and change at the office.

You can eat a light meal or snack before the session, but a heavy meal is not recommended.

You should have NO oils or lotions on your skin or hair the day of the session, and no make-up if possible. You want your skin the be clean and dry because oils and lotions are NOT used in myofascial release and make the techniques less effective.

Do I need to wear a mask?

Masks are optional at this time. As a provider, Elena usually wear an N95 mask for everyone's comfort and safety, and is happy to wear one in order to help her clients feel more comfortable. Feel free to let her know what you prefer!

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