Myofascial Self Care

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What is Myofascial Coaching?

In addition to your regular myofascial release sessions, you may choose to take advantage of myofascial coaching. For many people, this can really deepen the experience and enhance the benefits of myofascial release.
  • Empowers you to fully participate in your own unique healing process and make it your own
  • Reduce stress and tension on a daily basis, helping you stay pain free between sessions
  • Decrease your dependence on someone to "fix" you over and over, giving you more time and resources to live the life you want to live
  • Reprogram neural pathways that keep you trapped in pain
Myofascial coaching helps you feel and connect in to your own body. You learn to soften and release myofascial restrictions using simple techniques you can do at home. Together, we explore the links between movement, body pain/sensations, and emotions and use this increased awareness to enhance your healing process. Myofascial coaching helps you reclaim your own innate healing power!
myofascial release st petersburg
Myofascial coaching helps bring you into the present moment so you can feel in to your body and release pain and tension

pain therapy coaching tampa
Common self myofascial release tools you can find in the marketplace or around the house

What's Involved In a Session?

Just like regular myofascial release sessions, coaching sessions are completely individualized and tailored to your specific needs in the moment. Depending on your needs, a variety of approaches may be used including: 
  • using self myofascial release tools
  • building body and self awareness
  • connecting physical sensations to feelings and emotions
  • guided imagery, visualization, and therapeutic journeying
  • mindfulness meditation 
  • using breath, sound and vibration
  • myofascial unwinding
Coaching sessions can be done in person or via online meeting platforms such as Zoom.

Myofascial Coaching Testimonials

 ...(Working with Elena) has been one of the most empowering experiences of my life. I like to think of myofascial release therapy as a blend between conscious stretching and movement and hands-on healing ... (During our coaching sessions) Elena is focused on teaching you myofascial therapeutic techniques that you can do on your own when engaging in self-care. 

Every time I think that I’ve learned it all or I’ve experienced it all, something else gives me a new sense of empowerment and relief in my life that allows me to be more present and at peace; that is what Elena’s self-care sessions have done for me, especially during the COVID crisis (when we can’t go out and seek our typical healing practices in person). She has taught me how to just remove the restraints I had on my body from expressing itself, and allowing it to do what it wants because your body truly knows what it needs, and it’s our job to listen to it and let it do its thing. I don’t even know how to explain it because you simply have to do it. I have deepened my relationship with my body in a way I never thought was even possible and feel an immense sense of empowerment because I can heal myself now. 

~Melina Santos, age 30

More About Myofascial Unwinding

Myofascial unwinding is one of the most powerful and useful self care techniques available. Done correctly, it can take you to profound levels of self-awareness and release deep holding patterns in the body. But it's also one of the most elusive techniques for many people because it's not a process of "doing" ... it's a process of "letting go" and allowing natural, spontaneous movement, sensation and emotion to flow. 

One of the most common questions I get is, " but HOW do I do that? HOW do I just let go?" Often, one-on-one guidance can be very beneficial. In a myofascial coaching session, you learn to connect with your deeper essence and body wisdom, building trust in that inner part of yourself that knows exactly what you need. You learn to give yourself permission to move freely and spontaneously, feeling and expressing any emotions that come to the surface. The effect can be profoundly liberating.
Myofascial unwinding is a natural healing process everyone can learn

What Whole Healing Coaching is NOT...

Whole Healing Coaching is not physical therapy or a collection of prescribed exercises. 

Myofascial coaching teaches you the principles of myofascial release you can use at home to help manage pain and tension and let your essence flow. Myofascial coaching shows you how to feel into your body and deepen your own exercise, stretching or spiritual practice to make it more enjoyable and transformative. 
Whole Healing Coaching is not psychotherapy or a replacement for mental health counseling. 

 If you require mental health counseling or have a chronic or acute mental health disorder, Whole Healing Coaching can be used in addition to mental health counseling to help you with pain, tension and emotional issues. In this way it can be very helpful and effective, but Whole Healing Coaching does not diagnose or treat any mental illness. 

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