Myofascial Pelvic Work

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Why Is the Pelvis So Important?

The pelvis is the structural foundation of the spine. Just like a building, if the foundation of the body is unbalanced, tilted or twisted, everything that rests on it will be unbalanced as well. This can wreak havoc throughout the body, contributing to many chronic conditions including back pain, hip pain, neck and shoulder pain, and even headaches.

Equally important are the organs that are nestled in and protected by our pelvis, including the bladder, reproductive system and parts of the digestive system. When fascial restrictions are present deep within the pelvis, they can exert a pressure of 2000 lbs per square inch on these sensitive organs and can even harden into fibrous scar tissue, causing pain and dysfunction that is difficult to diagnose and treat with conventional methods.
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The pelvis is the structural foundation of our spine. Because it is our body's center, imbalances in the pelvis have a significant effect on the body as a whole

myofascial release tampa
Structural assessment of the pelvis

How Can Myofascial Release Help?

Myofascial Release techniques for the pelvis can help where other approaches fall short. 

In addition to relieving back and hip pain, releasing restrictions in the pelvis often has a profound effect on the entire body and spine, improving posture and helping with neck, shoulder, head and even foot pain.

We also employ specialized techniques for dysfunction of the internal pelvic organs. These techniques can help alleviate the symptoms associated with incontinence, frequent urination, constipation, painful intercourse, sexual dysfunction, endometriosis, uterine fibroids, polycystic ovaries, and infertility, especially when these conditions have not responded adequately to standard medical treatment.
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